Yoga &
Yoga &
Yoga &

Yoga asana program

During the treatment-free time in the afternoon, a traditional yoga program is offered in our rooftop yoga hall. The gentle yoga asanas with pranayama (breathing exercises) contribute to the Ayurvedic treatments.

No previous yoga experience or knowledge is required to participate. The rest of the day, the yoga hall is available to practice on your own. Yoga mats are available.

Yoga group sessions means more fun. Easily you will find yourself with some more guests. If you want to develop in your individual yoga practice with our teacher, just book a individual session.

Group session yoga

4 or more participants

EUR 6 per session / person

3 participants

EUR 8 per session / person

2 participants

EUR 11 per session / person

Individual lessons

1 participants

EUR 16 per session

Yoga practice

In the yoga shaala, you can do your personal meditation practice at all times besides the yoga classes. Namaskaram!


Our Tempel opens in the morning and in the evening when the Pooja is finished.

Looking for a yoga shaala in kerala, india?

External yoga groups can also hire our yoga hall. Please contact for more details.